Statement Of Faith
- I am a born again, Bible believing Christian.
- I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is inspired, inerrant and our final authority on matters of life, death and Salvation.
- I believe in the Trinity, that being one eternal God existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
- I believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, His perfectly sinless life and His perfect, finished work of Atonement by His death and resurrection from the dead. He is now ascended to the right hand of the Father.
- I believe the Biblical account of creation in six literal days, of the fall of man into sin and the reality that all are born in sin which separates us from a Holy God.
- I believe in the Gospel, the good news that Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, fully man and fully God. I believe He lived a perfect, sinless life and that He willingly gave that life on the cross in order to provide a way of Salvation for lost mankind.
- I believe that Salvation is offered to all, to those who simply believe that the Blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse our sin, and that it is by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone, according to the Word of God alone and for the Glory of God alone.
- I believe in repentance, evidence of change is necessary after a profession of faith is made, we must repent of our old sinful ways and seek to live a Holy life according to the Scriptures.
- I believe in believers Baptism by immersion after conversion as an outward sign and testimony of an inward work of grace and in obedience to the Scriptures.
- I believe in the existence of both Heaven and Hell, according to the Scriptures. Those who have not repented of their sin and have not been born again will be lost in hell forever.
- I believe in the Biblical order of the family, that God is the head of Christ, Christ the head of man and man the head of the woman.
- I believe that Jesus Christ is coming back for His Church of born again believers very soon. Be ready.
Please use the "Contact Us" page if you have any questions or require Scripture references to support the above statement of faith, it is a brief outline of my Biblical beliefs.