Other KJV Crafts

This section is where you will find miscellaneous crafts.  This includes a helpful free printable to make it easier to memorise the books of the Bible.  Also find general Bible themed crafts/printables and even a graduation certificate for Dinosaur School students! 

  All crafts/tracts have  Scripture from the KJV/Authorised version of the BIble.


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The Gospel In Colour Craft Chart

An A4 page that can be used in several ways.

Teach children how to tell others about the good news of the Gospel.

Choose from either black and white cut outs for the children to colour of the coloured ones.

As shown in the image, I printed the A4 sheet and trimmed off slightly around the edges. I then stuck it on top of an A4 coloured sheet of card to strengthen it, and attached a pipe cleaner at the top to use as a hanger.




I have included a cut out of a snowflake, however I prefer to use some cotton wool as shown.

Graduation Certificate
"Dinosaur School"

Children as young as pre-school need to be taught creation related lessons,  They need to be warned about reading and listening to "evolution facts" such as the earth is millions of years old.  Children are fascinated with these topics, teach them how we know the age of the earth, how we know death and disease could not have been present before the sin of Adam and Eve entered the world.  teach them the real facts about the huge ark Noah built, the ample space for dinosaurs, and what happened to the dinosaurs?  Are fossils really millions of years old?  What happened after the flood?  Why is the word "dinosaur" not mentioned in the Bible?   There are so many lessons to be taught regarding these topics.  I recommend the  Answers In Genesis website and resources as a great place to  check out sound teaching on these things. 

Plan your own Dinosaur School style lesson and reward the children with a fun graduation certificate.  Click HERE to print, as always this is a free resource.

The Books of the Bible

We can all agree that it is not easy to remember the entire 66 books of the BIble!

This craft is aimed at helping children to break the learning process up into little sections that can be covered and uncovered as you test your progress! 

Click HERE and HERE to download the free PDF template sheets, you will require two A4 sheets per craft/child. Check the page orientation is set to landscape.

A light card of 160g/M2 will run smoothly through most inkjet printers and adds strength to the craft.  You could print on regular paper and then stick to a sheet of card to add strength.

There is a video of how to make this craft on our Facebook page.

  • If you have a rotary paper trimmer this is ideal to cut around the bottom and sides of each category flap (History, Major prophets, Gospels etc). If using a rotary trimmer please do not allow children to do this as they are very sharp.  Scissors can be used instead but will not be as neat.
  • Fold back along the uncut, top edge.
  • It is easier to colour in the 66 books at this stage, but it can be done at the end.
  • Using a glue stick, glue the sheet with the 66 book names on all the paper that does not have a box with a book of the Bible on it.
  • Position the sheet with the 66 books so that the Old Testament books are to the left hand side. Then carefully lower the top sheet over it.  They should fit so that the books can be viewed when the flaps on the top sheet are opened.  Leave them open until the glue dries to avoid accidentally sticking them down to the bottom sheet.

Further fun ideas...

Decorate with some adhesive gem stones or small stickers. 

Punch some holes at the top of the craft and use a pipe cleaner to hang the craft on a wall for easy viewing. 

Or,  stick the craft to an old shoe box lid and decorate the shoe box.  You could then set the shoebox on its side and have it sitting in a bedroom, with a storage compartment inside!

"My Cup Runneth Over" Teacup Craft
With Scripture Text From Psalm 23:5 KJV

This cute tea cup craft is perfect to make for Mother's day, mum or grannys birthday or a special thank you, there are so many uses!

This craft requires very little resources to make, but it is a little challenging at times for younger children, a little help may be required. 

There is a time lapse video on Facebook and Instagram showing this craft being made

Please click here to print the FREE PDF template with the scripture text.

  • Take one A4 sheet of medium weight card and mark off an 8cm strip along one side of it.  You should be left with a strip 8cm X 29.5cm.
  • Take the other piece of the sheet that is left and cut it in two to form two squares (they are not exactly square)
  • Cut a 2cm strip off the side of one of these squares.  Fold back approximately 2cm at each end of this strip.
  • With the other square, find something circular to draw around that is as big as possible to fit in the square, and then cut out the circle.
  • Cut another circle the same size from cardboard.
  • Stick the two circles together, this will be the saucer.
  • Now take the long 8cm X 29.5cm strip and lightly mark a 2cm band along one of the longest edges.  Take a pair of scissors and make a 2cm cut roughly every 3cm along this edge, this will create little flaps of card that need to be folded inwards.  See pictures opposite.
  • Using two lengths of double sided tape, stick together the two 8cm sides to create the body of the teacup.  It will only need sticking togehter the 6cm, the bottom 2cm now will be folded inwards.
  • Stick some double sided tape to the two flaps you folded at either end of the small 2cm strip of card, use these to make a handle, sticking one flap to the top and one to the bottom of the teacup body.  You will need to round the card a little and  help shape it with your fingers.
  • Now stick the teacup body to the saucer, you could use either a glue stick or double sided tape.
  • Decorate the teacup and saucer.  You need to print the template from the link above and then cut out one of the six colour choices for your heart with the scripture text. You can use this as  the focal point of the decorations.  You could use some decorative colourful tape on the handle, colourful stickers or whatever you feel is suitable.
  • Fill with a small plant, some sweet treats or whatever you think of.


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Snakes & Ladders / Ups & Downs

This craft is base on a Snakes and Ladders board game, and is designed to remind us that as God's children, He is with us always. good times and bad, the ups and downs in life.

With the Scripture text, Matthew 28:20 KJV,

"...lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen."

You will require one A4 printed template sheet per child, click HERE to print the FREE template.  160gM2 light card works well through most inkjet printers.

  • Cut the bottom section off the A4 template, just below the Scripture verse.
  • Colour the snakes and carefully cut out.
  • Colour the picture.
  • Stick on the snakes.
  • You could add a pipe cleaner at the top to use as a wall hanging.